Metabolic Conditioning. Short and Hard.

It may sounds counterintuitive to some but a simply formatted and short duration workout can have the biggest impact on your metabolism. Metabolism, simply stated,  is your bodies engine that is fired up when you are at rest. The more muscle you have the higher your metabolism, the more you work outside your comfort zone, in a precise, form based, and safe way, the more you will stoke that metabolism. The more muscle you have to perform this workout the more load (weight) you can tolerate and in turn the more energy your workout will demand from your body….well you get the gyst.

The fitter and stronger you become, the more you train with metabolic conditioning workouts, and the better you eat will create an equation that will add up to an unconquerable snowball affect in the way you Move, Look, and FEEL.

Essentially your fitness success will only compound with time if you train like an athlete and let your body fall into an easy pattern. This pattern is: 1) push past your comfort zone with metabolic conditioning workouts + 2) respect your bodies cues for the increase in demand of healthy whole foods to restore and refuel the heavy demand+3)  take adequate rest, recovery, and hydration to allow for a healthy balance.

Metabolic Conditioning uses compound strength moves, combined with heart rate explosive moves, in an interval manner to assert a huge demand on the biggest prime mover muscles in your body as well as your heart. Unlike old school cardio or split body part training, you can never acclimate to Metabolic Conditioning workouts because you are always pushing past your comfort zone in one way or another, moving faster, with heavier weights, and shorter rests to name a few.

With SomeLikeitFit metabolic conditioning workouts the focus turns to how you can perform. Each workout is like you are an athlete on the field winning in every way. You can easily assess how much stronger and faster you are becoming and design changes to your workout movements to address the increase in your fitness level. You can add weight, dynamic progressions, decrease rest…every variable is open for adjustment to rise to your ever-improving fitness level. The sky is the limit and you will feel a sense of accomplishent and pride with every passing workout. That, my friends, is #winning. SLIF workouts are a mind-body symphony of surging endorphins. I caution my clients at every level to make sure that they are working with movement patterns that are appropriate for their fitness level. You cannot build a sturdy house without a solid foundation, just like you cannot build an athletes body or conditioning level without the basics. Start small, add slowly, and the reward is the journey.


Warm up with a dynamic stretching and agility protocol

Farmer Carry 2 heavy weights a certain length (50-100 feet)

Perform 10 full body Burpee’s (or KB swings, or squat jumps, or box jumps to push ups, ect.)

Farmer Carry Weights and Farmer Walk back the length

Perform 9 Full Body Burpee’s (whatever move you chose)

Farmer Carry The Weights Back

Perform 8……

Repeat until you are at 1 rep of the move you chose.





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