Objectives of 3 Day Reset
- Improve digestion by minimizing workload on your digestive organs while providing body with energy to carry out daily activities.
- Promote an alkaline environment in your body. Acidic environments put you at greater risk for disease, weight gain, and lack of energy. Adversely alkaline environments improve your health, digestion, weight loss, and energy. Inflammation doesn’t exist in alkaline environments. Inflammation is the cause of most if not all disease, weight gain, bloating, etc.
- Flush out digestive toxins and impurities that may keep you craving unhealthy foods.
- Restore gut flora that benefits in sending signals to your brain about what to eat and how much.
- Give a mental jump start in feeling and looking better.
- I strongly suggest you repeat this reset each MONDAY (or day 1 of each week) of the program.
Directions for 3 day reset
- Monday through Wednesday (or first three days of your program) drink most your nutrition. Smoothies and freshly extracted juices. If you need to have a salad or veggies at some point during the day, it is helpful. Add olive or coconut oil and Himalayan pink salt. Do not feel deprived. If you do please let me know. You can drink as many smoothies and fresh juices that you need, this is not about calories, but letting your digestion rest and your body work on recovery and restoration. Blended soups, and soft vegetable soups with healthy broth is also an option. Do not let yourself go hungry. Fuel for the demands of your workouts, or eat less and WORKOUT less or not at all during this time to really encourage healing.
- Throughout the whole program please remove any fake sugar / sweeteners (hopefully forever), remove dairy, and animal foods (just these three days), if you can, remove caffeine for first three days…but I know I will never do this, so please feel free to continue with caffeine.
- Invest in good blender if you don’t have one. I like the Ninja-IQ
Emotional Component
A major goal of this program is to rewire the “diet culture” thinking that has been ingrained. Food does not have morality. No food is “good” and no food is “bad”. You are not “bad” if you eat a something not posted in the weekly list. If you choose to have something outside of the weekly objective food list, own it!!! Take note of how that food makes you feel and empower yourself going forward. Does it make you tired? Do you feel bloated? Does it slow digestion? ..etc… Food has a huge emotional component, and perfection is never the goal. If you follow the objectives week by week you will create a clean slate internally, you will improve your flora, you will reduce cravings substantially, and you will create a foundation for ongoing health. You will also empower yourself with the knowledge of how different food types react in your unique system. Approach the Lifestyle Program with the intention of self awareness, both with which foods make you feel best and in regard to how emotions can rule your food choices. Any progress is beneficial, and the closer you stick to the objectives the more knowledge about yourself and your emotional relationship with food you will gain. Slow down and feel free to modify anything if need be. I am here for you to bounce ideas and thoughts off of.
Sample Reset Day – Only a sample.
Coffee if needed (no dairy) – can add almond or coconut creamer (optional) and/or coconut oil/MCT oil.
When hungry / thirsty drink Kombucha drink if you desire. This is a fermented probiotic tea. It will improve the flora in your intestines and help digestion. It also supplies a kick of energy. (optional)
Smoothies when and as desired
My favorites: play with the quantities in the recipes to your liking. Many more recipes online. Feel free to buy out at smoothie stores, but make sure the ingredients are permitted. Watch the sugars in the almond and coconut milk you choose. Fructose (fruit sugar) is not the same as table sugar, fruit in unlimited quantities is ok! You will never overeat fruit. These are only ideas. Feel free to make your own. If you get tired of sweet flavor during the first three days, vegetables roasted are fine. If you can blend them to a blended soup, even better. Make it your own…and follow what you are comfortable with.
- 1.5 cups UNSWEETENED chocolate almond milk or Ripple Milk (water if needed), 1/2 frozen banana, 1⁄2 cup frozen blueberries, 1-2 TBSP. of peanut or cashew or almond butter, 1 scoop of Natural Vanilla Whey or Collagen Protein (optional)
- Ripple or almond milk, 1 cup frozen cherries, ½ cup of strawberries, 2-3 TBSP. chia or hemp seeds, 1 scoop of chocolate Ascent Protein
- 1.5 -2 cups unsweetened vanilla almond milk, 1⁄2 ripe avocado, 3/4 cup frozen pineapple, 2 cups baby spinach
- 1 cup + of coconut milk, 1 mango skinned and chunked, 1/2 cup of strawberries
- 1 frozen banana, 2 TBSP. natural peanut butter, 2 pitted soaked dates, 1 TBSP. raw cocoa powder, 1-2 cups almond milk, ice if needed
- 1-2 cups mixed berries, 1-2 cups almond/Ripple Milk, 1 scoop vanilla whey or plant based protein
- If needed at night: steamed assortment of vegetables w/ extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil and Himalayan pink salt or sea salt and or clear broth natural soup or blended soup
- Smoothie bowls are also permitted if no starch (no granola etc.)
Nutritional and Mental Behavior Changes
- Take a picture at the start of the Program. Repeat once a week to track changes. Only if this MOTIVATES you.
- Eat or drink when your body demands and NOT by the clock. Then wait to your hungry again. I know that family and social situations can challenge this. When you can, do so. You will fall into a pattern in time.
- If you are not hungry first thing…wait! Intermittent Fasting is such a valuable health and weight loss tool. I usually don’t start eating until 11 after my workout and a few clients. Again, this is subjective…. Please listen to your body.
- It is very important to note that I am GUIDING you into an “Intuitive Clean Eating Rhythm”. If you crave something AND REALLY WANT IT, HAVE IT! I don’t want you to feel deprived. Focus on realizing that you are doing this to feel good and perform well inside and out. If you choose to eat processed foods or sugar on a regular basis, you will crave them on a regular basis.
- There is no “right” way. Focus on implementing the objectives and making them habits. Focus on making food choices based on nourishing your body and your workouts, not the calories.
- We will significantly reduce starch laden carbohydrates during this program. We will reintroduce slowly. Please take note of how you feel. This will help us learn what your balance should be. Some people do and feel better with good sugar (carbohydrates) as their main energy source, some do better with fat (I do.).
- Hydrate well! The body confuses dehydration with hunger. Hydrating yourself daily can be a big contributor to eating in balance for your body.
- Make sure that you are going to the bathroom daily. If you aren’t you won’t make progress. I can give suggestions to fix this. (as in supplements, lol)
- Eat heavier earlier and lighter later.
Continue to Establish an anti-inflammatory diet. The BEST diet to prevent illness and disease.
List of Foods for Week One Post 3 Day Reset
- All Fruits and Vegetables in ANY quantity – organic optimal when can
- Healthy Protein Options Choose One Moderate Portion (listen to body) each meal.
- Health promoting fats
Protein Options
- Protein supplements if tolerate (add to smoothies) – if you bloat do not use
- Organic Whey Protein – Ascent Protein and Tera’s Whey (any whey with no fake sugar)
- Plant Based Protein – recommend Sun Warrior
- Collagen Protein – recommend Zint
- Organic Eggs
- Organic Chicken or Natural Turkey Breast
- Chicken Sausages
- Wild Salmon, Haddock, Shrimp, Cod…
- Ripple Milk
Healthy Fats
A serving at each meal (fats are a source of energy when starch is low)
- Avocado
- Nut butters
- Coconut, hemp, olive oil (uncooked)
- Ghee
- Whole organic eggs (protein too)
- Fatty fish – wild salmon, trout, sardines, mackerel, herring (protein too)
- Nuts and seeds: walnuts, macadamia, almonds, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds
- Water
- Seltzer
- Tea
- Coffee
- Coconut Milk or Water Almond Milk or Water
- Kombucha
- Fresh Pressed Juices
- Ripple Milk
- Cashew Milk
- Raw Honey or Maple Syrup
- Stevia