Lifestyle Program

Gym Workout 2

Dynamic Warm Up – Click for video

  1. Frankenstein Kicks
  2. Walk Outs
  3. Knee Hugs 
  4. Quad Stretches 
  5. Calf Stretches / Heal Touches
  6. Hip Stretches
  7. Chest and Shoulder Mobility 

Part One – Circuit through exercises 1 to 4. Working for 30 seconds on each exercise and then rest for 10 seconds before next exercise. Complete 6 rounds total. 30 on/10 off (16 minute total)

  1. Squat to Bicep Curl
  2. Plank Walk Ups
  3. Bear Crawl (Forward and Backward) or Bear Hold
  4. Ball Slams Or Ball Slam Burpee

Part Two –  Circuit through all 7 exercies. 30 seconds work/15 seconds rest. Exercises are continuous. Repeat 3 rounds continuous. (~ 16 min.)

  1. Speed Squats or Pencil Jumps
  2. Lunges 
  3. Sprinter Sit Ups
  4. AB V-Ups
  5. Jumping Lunges
  6. Jumping Squats
  7. Plank or advanced versions (elbows/knees, hip dips)

Part Three