- Frankenstein Kicks
- Walk Outs
- Knee Hugs
- Quad Stretches
- Calf Stretches / Heal Touches
- Hip Stretches
- Chest and Shoulder Mobility
Part 1
AMRAP Format – As Many Rounds as Possible of the following circuit and reps in 10 Minutes. Go down the list of exercises doing the # of reps given. Repeat for 10 Minutes. Rest during as needed.
- 20 Speed Squats
- 10 Step Out Push Ups or Med Ball Slams
- 20 Alternating Lunges Holding Dumbbells
- 30 Plank Shoulder Tags
Part 2
Supersets (2 exercises back to back) Using Interval Timer.
2 Movements consecutively: 40 seconds of work/10 seconds of rest x 4 rounds
Example: 40 seconds’ chest press. Rest for 10 seconds. 40 Seconds Mt. Climber, Rest for 10 Seconds, 40 Seconds of a Chest Press… x 4 rounds total. Then move to next superset
A. Dumbbell Chest Press on an Incline (bring bench incline to 45*) to B. Mt. Climber 40/10 x 4
A. Dumbbell Lateral Lunge Reach to Row to B. Jump Rope 40/10 x 4
A. Balance Dumbbell Bicep Curl to B. Band Swimmers or Triceps Lowers or Push Ups 40/10 x 4