Lifestyle Program

Gym Workout 3

Dynamic Warm Up – Click for Video

  • Frankenstein Kicks
  • Walk Outs
  • Knee Hugs 
  • Quad Stretches 
  • Calf Stretches / Heal Touches
  • Hip Stretches
  • Chest and Shoulder Mobility 

Part 1

AMRAP Format – As Many Rounds as Possible of the following circuit and reps in 10 Minutes. Go down the list of exercises doing the # of reps given. Repeat for 10 Minutes. Rest during as needed.

  1. 20 Speed Squats
  2. 10 Step Out Push Ups or Med Ball Slams
  3. 20 Alternating Lunges Holding Dumbbells
  4. 30 Plank Shoulder Tags

Part  2

Supersets (2 exercises back to back) Using Interval Timer.

2 Movements consecutively: 40 seconds of work/10 seconds of rest x 4 rounds
Example: 40 seconds’ chest press. Rest for 10 seconds. 40 Seconds Mt. Climber, Rest for 10 Seconds, 40 Seconds of a Chest Press… x 4 rounds total. Then move to next superset

A. Dumbbell Chest Press on an Incline (bring bench incline to 45*) to B. Mt. Climber 40/10 x 4

A. Dumbbell Lateral Lunge Reach to Row to B. Jump Rope 40/10 x 4

A. Balance Dumbbell Bicep Curl to B. Band Swimmers or Triceps Lowers or Push Ups  40/10 x 4
