Lifestyle Program

Gym Workout 4

Dynamic Warm Up – Click for video of the warm up moves listed below

  • Frankenstein Kicks
  • Walk Outs
  • Knee Grabs
  • Quad Stretches
  • Hip Stretches
  • Heal Touches
  • Chest and Shoulder Mobility 

Part 1: Circuit 45 seconds of work, 15 seconds’ recovery, 4 rounds. Exercise 1 for 45 seconds, rest 15, Exercise 2 for 45 seconds, rest 15,…and so on.

  1. Medicine Ball Man Maker Or Man Maker with Dumbbells
  2. Chest Flies on Stability Ball or Bench
  3. Rows to Triceps Extensions (switch arms each round)
  4. Balancing Bicep Curl (switch legs each round)
  5. Choose: Jump Rope, Plank Jacks, Thrusters, Baby Burpees, or Scissor Agility

Part 2: Circuit 45 seconds of work, 15 seconds’ recovery, 4 rounds

  1. Isometric Lunge, Curl, To Press (switch arms each round)
  2. Dumbbell or Cable Chop
  3. Push Up to Rotation
  4. Step Out Squat
  5. Choose: Jump Rope, Plank Jacks, Thrusters, Baby Burpees, or Scissor Agility

Finisher: 30 seconds of work, 10 rest x 4 rounds