Circuit 1: Repeat the EMOM for 3-4 Rounds (15 or 20 Min)
Minute 1 (example: if this takes you 55 seconds you have 5 seconds rest before the push ups)
Leg matrix 10 squats, 10 lunges, 10 plyo lunges, 10 plyo squats
Minute 2 (example: if this takes you 30 seconds you have 30 seconds rest before the rows)
10 push ups
Minute 3 (example: if this takes you 45 seconds you have 15 seconds rest before bicep curls)
10 Rows Each Arm
Minute 4 (example: if this takes you 25 seconds you have 35 seconds rest before the bear hold)
15 Bicep Curls
Minute 5 (back to leg matrix after this minute)
Plank or Bear Hold (Full Minute)
Circuit 2: Repeat the EMOM for 3-4 Rounds (15-20 Min) – same as above
Minute 1
20 total Alternating Step Ups
Minute 2
10 Discus or Chop each arm
Minute 3
20 Ball Slams or Squat Jumps
Minute 4
Piston Press x 10 (10 each arm = 20 total)
Minute 5
Baby or Full Burpees x 10 or Leg Raises x 15