Lifestyle Program

Bodyweight Workout 9

Dynamic Warm Up – Click for video of warm up stretches listed below

  • Frankenstein Kicks
  • Walk Outs
  • Knee Pulls
  • Quad Stretches
  • Hip Stretches
  • Heal Touches
  • Chest and Shoulder Stretches

Perform each move for 30 seconds, rest for 15 and repeat same move 2 more times for a total of 3 sets of each move. Move down this list.

20 minute workout

1. Push Up to Thruster and Overhead Reach
2. Glute Bridge
3. Butt Kicks
4. Walk Out to Shoulder Tag
5. Shin Grabs or Pull Overs – if you do not have a ball just clench hands over head. 
6. Squat Jumps or Air Squats
7. Low Plank or Plank Double Jump Ins
8. Wide Squat Jack to Side Reach

2 Minutes of repeating 40 running in place or  high knees with 20 standing core twist
