Lifestyle Program

Bodyweight Workout 2

Dynamic Warm Up – Click for video description of each move below

  • Frankenstein Kicks x 10
  • Walk Outs x 10
  • Knee Hugs x 10
  • Quad Stretches x 10
  • Calf /Heal Stretches x 10
  • Hip Stretches x 10
  • Chest/Shoulder Lying Stretch x 10

Circuit 1

Interval Timer 40 seconds of work with 15 seconds off between movements. Work for 4 total rounds: Example: Leg Matrix for 40 seconds, rest for 15, Plank Walk Ups for 40 seconds, rest for 15, High Knees for 40 seconds, rest for 15, Walk Out to Jump for 40 seconds, rest for 15, back to Leg Matrix for 40….for 4 total rounds. 

  1. Leg Matrix (if cannot jump just repeat basic squat and lunge) – stop at 40 seconds wherever you are at.
  2. Plank Walk Ups or Push up to Rotation
  3. Run in Place or High Knees or Butt Kicks
  4. Walk Out to Jump or no jump (just walk out and in)

Circuit 2

Same format as above. 40/15 x 4 rounds

  1. Power Lunge (alternate leg as you go through the circuits), or Alternating Reverse Lunges
  2. Shoulder Tag, Hip Tag, or Combo of Both
  3. Standing Core Twist
  4. Baby Burpee, Tall Plank, or Thruster
