Does the fitness industry really have your best interests in mind?

Something that really bothers me (and should YOU) about the fitness industry is that the majority of the program marketing is built around capitalizing on your deepest insecurities and exploiting your darkest feelings. Plans that promise “quick fixes”, “drop 10 lbs in10 days”, “get shredded quick”,  “21 day FIX”, all designed to get you to think that FITNESS is a look. All designed for you to think there is a “right” way to look and that you need to change something about yourself in order to be fit. Not caring about your health, not caring how you FEEL.

Ironically, I know from being a competitor and a fitness professional for over 20 years, some of the models and people used to market those programs live a very unhealthy lifestyle to achieve the results shown. They can be some of the unhealthiest people, in many ways. Much of it is FAKE NEWS, a snapshot in time once the model is “dieted down”.  After the photo shoot the model likely binged. These unattainable images are irresponsible and built to exploit your insecurities to sell programs.

The best interest of the client or participant is not the goal…the goal is $$$$$$$. This along with sexualizing fitness: camera angles up the butt while model is squatting, sexualizing fitness, and scantily clad photo shoots, are designed to act as click bait so that you notice the program offered.  It is really disgusting and more fitness professionals should speak out agaisnt it.  It all contributes to the idea that FITNESS and HEALTH are about striving to change your body by any means possible rather than connecting to yourself and learning to live your best, from the inside out.  In the end, as a consumer of these programs, you will end up feeling WORSE about yourself and possibly adopting unhealthy behaviors. The image that is sold is typically unattainable without engaging in unhealthy and severe habits.

As an aesthetic culture selling a FEELING is much harder than selling a LOOK. If you crave sustainable fitness and wellness the  most impactful change comes from within and not from the outside. A trainer can not sit from the outside and tell you how to live your life to make real change. This is not empowerment, this is not sustainable, this is not how people make real change.

Stop starting programs that have you engaging in unsustainable diet and fitness behaviors. You CAN have any body type and be super fit, you SHOULD determine your fitness by your abilities, you are NOT your body.

Some Like it Fit STRIVES to empower YOU!!!! I am determined to change this negative NARRATIVE, I WANT you to FEEL your best, and BE your healthiest self. SLIF truly cares about YOU!!!!

Programs that STRESS you out, DEPRIVE you, DICTATE behaviors and choices, and are body focused should not get your time of day.

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